This year, we will be sharing posters virtually at ICLDC 7. We will be utilizing Discord as the platform for the Poster Sessions. Discord is an online platform that allows presenters to share content and communicate with participants via text chat, voice chat, and video stream. Since posters will be available on Discord two weeks before ICLDC begins, participants will have a chance to write comments and questions and presenters can even respond to them before the conference.
In order to help you prepare your poster for ICLDC, we have provided some guidelines and instructions.
This page is intended for Poster Presenters. If you are looking for information on Discord for participating in the poster sessions, please see the Discord Guidelines for Participants.
If you are looking for information on a specific topic, please see the Guide Contents below. Click the link to go to the the relevant page section.
For comprehensive information on how to get started with Discord, please see these guides on Discord’s website. This video also provides a good introduction to Discord.
Guide Contents
Poster Basics
Posters at ICLDC 7 will be somewhat different from traditional academic posters, but the overall concept is the same: Posters provide a concise overview of the key points of the project you are presenting. Participants are able to understand the key points by reading over your poster in a few minutes.
For ICLDC 7, instead of reading a poster on a board from a distance, participants will view digital images on a screen. The basic requirements for posters are as follows:
- All posters will be uploaded as pdf files.
- Each poster presentation is allowed to upload one pdf file that is up to 3 pages. (That is, you may split your poster across 3 pages in the same file.)
- Posters may have any dimensions, but we recommend that it be readable on a screen without zooming in.
- Poster will ideally be landscape orientation to maximize readability on computer screens.
- The poster should not exceed 10 MB.
- The filename should contain all authors’ last names separated by a dash ‘-’ (e.g., jessen-breneman.pdf)
- Files will be uploaded to our google drive via an uploader: ICLDC Poster Uploader
Once you upload your poster, we will upload them to Discord for you, and notify you once it is ready.
During your poster presentation you will be live-streaming video and sharing your screen to display your poster. Please note that poster presentations will not include pre-recorded videos.
You will need to create an account on Discord by February 12th (the same deadline as for poster submissions). The ICLDC 7 Discord server is accessed with this link. We will email you a reminder asking you to send your Discord name/nickname as well as any co-presenters’ Discord names. (This allows us to assign you and any co-presenters the “presenter role” in Discord.) Please use your full name for your nickname to avoid confusion. This is separate from the username you use when you create your account. See the Discord Guidelines for Poster Presenters for more details on how to get started with Discord.
Getting started
A poster outlines all of the key points of the project or study you are presenting on briefly (e.g., the theoretical framework or important background information, research questions or hypotheses, methodology, key findings, and any implications the study might have). Because it is a poster, anyone who quickly skims it should have a pretty good understanding of the main ideas. During the poster presentation session, participants can join your Discord “channel” (personal virtual room), ask you questions, get more details, offer feedback, etc. The synchronous poster sessions are more informal than papers, and they offer a great opportunity for virtual interaction between presenter and participants.
Tips on good poster design
A well-received poster is clear, concise, and visually uncluttered. It also often has pictures or charts summarizing data if applicable. Since your poster is digital, you have the freedom to organize the poster in a variety of ways.
This guide from NYU is helpful for creating and using graphics and images in your poster. (Disregard the advice for printing posters.)
Digital Poster Tips
Since posters will be viewed on a screen, we recommend using landscape orientation. Posters may have any dimensions, but we recommend that it be readable on a screen without zooming in. For easier digital readability, you can use a horizontal sequence of information blocks, as opposed to a vertical one.
Use this:
1 -> 2 -> 3
4 -> 5 -> 6
7 -> 8 -> 9
Instead of this:
1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9
Remember that the images and text need to be easy to see, so use high quality images whenever possible. Choose fonts and font sizes that are most readable. We recommend testing the finished product before submitting it to us.
Note that pdf poster files will be downloadable from Discord, and participants will read them in their pdf viewer.
Saving your poster
Save the poster as a pdf file. Remember, you can use up to 3 pages for the poster session. That is, you may split your poster across 3 pages in the same file. This will help increase readability, especially on smaller screens.
Uploading your poster
Once you have saved the poster file in pdf format, please upload it through our ICLDC Poster Uploader by February 12. We will upload your file to Discord and let you know once we do. These posters will be viewable on Discord before, during, and after the conference.