
Like last conference, ICLDC will be using a digital program platform called Sched which will replace our traditional paper/PDF programs.

Sched offers a number of convenient options that we invite you to take advantage of, including:

  • Creating a profile to network with other participants and give feedback on presentations/events
  • Creating a personalized schedule of conference talks/events that you want to attend 
  • Filtering conference events by type, topic, and other filters

Additionally, please use the following links to familiarize yourself with how ICLDC 8 will run and access program overview and participant guideline information:

Click on the button below to visit our conference program in Sched. Registered attendees will have access to Sched starting January 13.

To gain full access to presentations, zoom links, and other activities, please register for the conference here: We look forward to seeing you in March!