WiFi access: The Imin Center will have wifi access (unsecured) throughout the building, available for presenters and attendees. Because wifi connections can sometimes be unstable, we recommend that presenters have locally-accessible alternatives for any internet-dependent content.
Presentations Devices: Rooms will NOT be equipped with laptops. We ask all presenters to bring their own device (laptop, tablet, etc.) to present slides, video or visual media, if they will be using them. We will have spare laptops on hand in case of emergencies, but they should not be relied upon in case they happen to be in use by others.
HDMI connection: In rooms with LCD projectors, SmartBoards, or large screen TVs, you can connect your device via the HDMI cable provided. If you do not have an HDMI cable slot on your device, please bring the appropriate adapter (e.g., USB-C to HDMI dongle). We will have spare adapters on hand in case of emergencies, but again, they should not be relied upon in case they happen to be in use by others.
Audio: The Keoni, Asia, and Pacific Room have PA systems, so any video or audio that will be played will be amplified. In the other smaller presentation rooms, audio should go via the HDMI cable to the LCD projector, Smart Board, or large screen TV in the room.
Audio recordings: As is ICLDC tradition, we audio record all presentations (except for Talk Story sessions, due to their often sensitive nature, and poster sessions) and archive them. Our tech volunteers will be managing them. Please leave the audio recorders on during your session (unless yours is a Talk Story session).
Tech volunteers: We will have tech support volunteers (wearing gold colored t-shirts) roaming around each floor during the conference and check on presentation rooms. Please flag one down if you need assistance.
Special tech needs? Please send any special tech need requests via email to icldc@hawaii.edu by January 31, 2025 at the latest.
Here is information on each of the presentation rooms, including their fixed room setup and specific equipment that comes with the room:
Presentation Room Note: Room pictures in link do not necessarily reflect room setup during ICLDC – see next column for actual setup | Room setup (Do NOT rearrange furniture in room. Having to reset the room will incur charges) | Equipment in room |
Keoni Auditorium (max capacity: 280 people) | Theatre style: For presenters – 2 tables w/6 chairs and a podium on stage For audience – rows of chairs (no tables) | For presenters – LCD projector (w/HDMI cable connection), podium and table mics. For audience – wireless microphones in audience section for Q&A |
Koi Room (max capacity: 60 people) | Conference-style (fixed): For presenters – 2 tables in front w/6 chairs, tabletop podium For audience – rows of tables with chairs | For presenters – LCD big screen TV (w/HDMI cable connection) |
Asia Room (max capacity: 60 people) | Conference-style (fixed): For presenters – table in front w/chairs, podium For audience – UN-style with tables and chairs | LCD projector (w/HDMI cable connection), podium mic |
Pacific Room (max capacity: 60 people) | Conference-style (fixed): For presenters – table in front w/chairs, podium For audience – UN-style with tables and chairs | LCD projector (w/HDMI cable connection), podium mic |
Sarimanok Room (max capacity: 38 people) | Theatre-style: For presenters – table in front, desktop podium For audience – rows of chairs (no tables) | SmartBoard (w/HDMI cable connection) |
Kaniela Room (max capacity: 38 people) | Theatre-style: For presenters – table in front, desktop podium For audience – rows of chairs (no tables) | SmartBoard (w/HDMI cable connection) |
Pago Pago Room (max capacity: 30 people) | Theatre-style: For presenters – table in front, desktop podium For audience – rows of chairs (no tables) | SmartBoard (w/HDMI cable connection) |
Kamehameha Room (max capacity: 25 people) | Conference-style (fixed – U-shape): For presenter & audience – long U-shaped table with chairs | SmartBoard (w/HDMI cable connection) |
Tagore Room (max capacity: 25 people) | Conference-style (fixed – U-shape): For presenter & audience – long U-shaped table with chairs | SmartBoard (w/HDMI cable connection) |
Washington Room (max capacity: 20 people) | Open square: For presenters – table in front, desktop podium For audience – chairs around the perimeter of the room (square pattern), no tables | SmartBoard (w/HDMI cable connection) |
Mandarin Room (max capacity: 20 people) | Open square: For presenters – table in front, desktop podium For audience – chairs around the perimeter of the room (square pattern), no tables, open in the center | SmartBoard (w/HDMI cable connection) |
Wailana Room (max capacity: 140 people) | Open space: | Poster boards will be set up in the mauka (mountain) side of the room. Posters can be placed on either side of the board. Push pins will be provided for each board; more are available at the Registration Desk. |
Paper session: Conforming to the presentation time limit is critical. Each paper session is allocated 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions and discussion. Session moderators will have timekeeping cards. All presenters using presentation slides or the internet for their presentations should do a test-run and preview their presentation on the equipment in the presentation room in advance (e.g., in the hour prior to the first morning session in that room or during lunch) to make sure there are no technical problems.
(a) If your paper contains data, present it visually (e.g., presentation slides). Alternatively, you may wish to include it on any handouts you provide for audience members. You are strongly advised to make copies of any handouts in advance. In a pinch, however, there are a number of copy centers on or near campus. The conference organizers cannot assist with photocopying.
(b) Consider keeping any review of literature or background information to a minimum, keeping in mind that you will only have 20 minutes for presentation of your paper plus 10 minutes for audience questions and discussion. In the past, some presenters have taken nearly 15 minutes giving background information, leaving only 5 minutes to get to their main points or research results. Your primary focus should be on your own work and the implications it may have for your audience.
(c) Focus on making several key points rather than the detailed and thorough analysis expected of a published paper. The idea should be to stimulate interest in your work and get some useful feedback and discussion from the audience.
(d) We strongly recommend that you time and rehearse your presentation in order to comfortably fit it into your given time limit. Keep in mind that the audience is listening to your paper. If a paper is read word-for-word from a text (i.e., one prepared for publication), it becomes difficult to follow.
There will be two poster sessions, one on Thursday and one on Saturday. Make sure you check which day you are presenting on. Posters should be set up by 9:00 am on your presentation day in the Wailana Room (downstairs). Volunteers dressed in gold will be on hand at the Registration Desk if you need assistance. Although posters will be displayed for the full day, the official presentation of posters will take place 12:30-2:00 pm on your assigned presentation day. During the presentation time, presenters will stand with their posters and interact with the audience. Posters should be taken down no later than 4:30 pm on the day of your presentation.
Poster boards stand approximately 6 feet high. The maximum poster board dimensions are 63.5 inches high (161.3 cm) and 48 inches wide (116.8 cm).
Posters should be designed to fit within the maximum display space. However, note that posters which utilize all of the vertical space may create difficulties for viewing (i.e., it is best to design the poster such that it can be viewed at eye level). Paper or laminated posters will work the best with the display boards, as these are easiest to affix with push pins; pins will be provided to help fasten your poster to the board.
(a) A poster outlines all of the key points of your study briefly (e.g., the theoretical framework or important background information for your work, your research questions or hypotheses, your methodology, your key findings, and any implications your study might have). Because it is a poster, anyone who walks by and reads it should have a pretty good idea of the main ideas of your work. During your poster presentation period, they can come back, ask you questions, get more details, offer feedback, etc. Poster presentations are more informal than papers, and they offer a great opportunity for one-on-one interaction between speaker and audience members.
(b) Posters should be printed out (not handwritten). They also often have pictures or charts summarizing data if applicable. Consider the poster board your presentation space, to be organized to your satisfaction. Some people may print a large-format, self-contained poster (many copy shops have large-format printers for this purpose). Some people print out each major section of their study on a separate piece of paper, along with additional elements, across the poster board to form their poster.
(c) The most well-received posters are clear, concise, and visually uncluttered. You might model your text on presentation slide formats. (NOTE: You can also use Microsoft PowerPoint to create a large poster.)
(d) A note on image quality: printing in larger formats will decrease the quality of an image. For best results, please keep the size of your poster in mind: the larger the poster, the higher the resolution your images (and text) should be.
(e) You may want to bring along handouts to distribute during the official poster viewing session. You are strongly advised to make copies of any handouts in advance. In a pinch, however, there are a number of copy centers on and near campus.