Code of Conduct

This is the code of conduct for the International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation 7. It outlines the culture we want and expect from ourselves and attendees around the conference.

First, we will discuss who this applies to. Second, we discuss the sorts of behaviors we expect from attendees and organizers. Third, we will discuss the behaviors that we consider unacceptable. Lastly, we discuss what you should do if you feel uncomfortable and what we will do in cases where we need to intervene.

This code of conduct was adapted from the LSA Civility Policy as well as former ICLDC conferences and conferences at the University of Hawai‘i.

Who Does This Apply To?

This code of conduct applies to all participants at ICLDC 7. As the conference is online, this code of conduct applies to all conference-related events and interactions, including both official events and online social-rooms.

What Behaviors Are Encouraged?

All participants should strive to create a welcoming environment. We recognize that participants are from a diverse set of backgrounds, both inside and outside academia, as well as culturally. Respect and listening are highly encouraged in order to create a professional environment for academic exchange.

In this internet-specific context, we encourage appropriate and professional comments and reactions in the Chat and Q&A. Please follow these guidelines. Participants who violate these guidelines will be warned and may be removed from the virtual room by the host if inappropriate disruptions persist.

  • Treat fellow attendees and presenters with respect in all types of online communications, and please be mindful of the diverse backgrounds and experiences of attendees.
  • Review and edit your post before sending.
  • No vulgar, personal, or insulting remarks.
  • Avoid text speak and slang, , so that everyone can understand what you are saying.
  • Keep use of CAPS-lock to a minimum.
  • Be careful when using humor or sarcasm, as much can be lost in translation and give offense in an online environment.

Disagreement is, of course, permitted. However, it should be constructive and respectful. Remember that ideas, not people, are the intended objects of criticism.

All attendees are also expected to look out for the welfare of other attendees. If you see something you consider unacceptable, please report it yourself.

What Behaviors Are Unacceptable?

  • Harassment, including coercive, demeaning, or intimidating speech, both verbal and in text chat. This is different from respectful, academic disagreement.
  • Bigotry and/or prejudice, including speech or actions against person(s) related to their identity. This includes age, ethnicity, gender, differences in ability, professional status, religion, sexual orientation and socioeconomic status, among others.
  • Unwanted contact or solicitation of intimacy, sexual and otherwise, including stalking and especially cyber-stalking. Discuss continuing the conversation on other platforms with participants before sending them friend requests on any social media platforms.

Reporting And Responses

As an event sponsored by the University of Hawaiʻi, we are obligated to follow mandatory state and federal reporting guidelines. See the University of Hawaiʻi Title IX policy for more details.

If someone makes you or anyone else feel unsafe or unwelcome, please report it to ICLDC conference organizers as soon as possible at Violations of this code of conduct reduce the value of our event for everyone. People like you make our scientific community a better place, and we want you to be happy here.