This year, ICLDC 7 will be utilizing Discord as the platform for the Poster Sessions. Discord is an online platform that allows community members to share content and communicate via text chat, voice chat, and video stream. This page is intended for participants using Discord. If you are looking for information for presenters, see the Discord Guidelines for Poster Presenters.
To access the ICLDC Discord, or to connect your Discord account to the ICLDC Discord, click the button below:
If you are looking for information on a specific topic, please see the Guide Contents below. Click the link to go to the the relevant page section.
For comprehensive information on how to get started with Discord, please see these guides on Discord’s website. This video also provides a good introduction to Discord.
Guide Contents
Accessing Discord
Downloading or viewing online
Through Discord, you will be able to view posters and leave comments or questions for the presenter(s) to answer during the synchronous Q&A session. We encourage you to download the Discord app and create an account. Using the downloaded Discord application will give you the best performance.
We recommend that you use the Discord app for the computer. If you prefer to use a smartphone or tablet, the mobile app is another option, which can be downloaded for iOS or Android.
If you choose not to download discord, there is a browser version available.
Keep in mind that older versions of browser applications may not be able to use all the features of Discord, so make sure to update your web browser of choice. Many browsers will update automatically, but in the event that you think your browser is not up to date, you can update or download new versions at the links below:
- Update Google Chrome / Download Google Chrome
- Update Safari
- Download Microsoft Edge
- Update Firefox / Download Firefox
Creating an account
You can join the ICLDC Discord to interact with other members in text, audio, and video chat. The ICLDC Discord has two “channels” for each poster presentation: one channel is for text, and the other for video. To learn more about how Discord works, read this guide.
If you create an account and verify your email address, you will not have to rejoin the ICLDC Discord each time you attend a poster session. Creating an account is optional if you are accessing Discord online, but is required for accessing the Discord app.
If you want to register online, go to the registration page: Register for a Discord Account.
If you have the app, open it and click on “Need an account? Register.”

The app will display a screen where you can create your account.

You may select any username you wish when you create your account. Your username is separate from any “nicknames” you choose to have. Your nickname is what is displayed on the ICLDC Discord. (If you do not create a nickname, your username will be displayed.)
In Discord, you can choose to have a different nickname in each server that you’re a member of. We ask that you set your ICLDC Discord nickname to your real name, to avoid confusion during the poster sessions.
To change your nickname for the ICLDC Discord, select it on the lefthand bar. Then right-click on your name in the server member list on the righthand bar. You will see a drop-down menu where you can select “Change Nickname.” Please set this to your full name. This will only be your nickname for the ICLDC Discord. More step-by-step instructions on how to change your nickname are available here: Change my Nickname.
Make sure to verify your account via email by clicking on the button provided to you by Discord.
Joining the ICLDC poster server
Joining the ICLDC server can be done either via the web or on the downloaded discord application.
On the web
If you don’t have an account, click on this link. You will need to enter your birth date (required with Discord’s Terms of Service) and a nickname. Please use your real name, to avoid confusion.
On the app
If you have downloaded the Discord application, open it and log into your account. Then go to the lefthand bar, and click on the plus sign.

Then click “Join a server.” Copy this code into the required field: and click the “Join” button.
During the conference
Before the poster session
Before poster sessions, you can view, comment, and react to the posters on their Discord channels. This will allow the presenter(s) to respond to comments and questions before the synchronous Q&A session, as well as in real time during their poster video stream.
Everyone will be able to view all posters starting on February 18th.
Remember that even though the posters are presented in a digital format, they are still research which belongs to the owner. Poster session participants must treat virtual posters exactly as they would in-person posters and not cite them without permission of the presenter.
During the poster session
On the ICLDC Discord, there are groups of channels: one for each poster session. Within these groups, there are text channels, marked with a #, and audio/video channels, marked with a speaker symbol. Each poster presenter will have two channels: one for text where participants can comment and react, and one for audio/video where you will screen-share your poster. You can find your channels by looking for the groups of channels named after your presentation date. Underneath the group name, there is a list of channels, which are named after the last names of the presenters. When you click on the channel, you will see the title of the presentation as provided to ICLDC.
One of the first rooms that you see when you join is our help desk, where you can go if you have issues or questions using Discord.
During poster video streams, you will not have permission to share your video output or screen share, but you will be able to share your audio. Comments or questions will be pulled from the poster’s text channel and addressed directly in the poster video stream. When commenting or reacting on text channels, please refrain from using inappropriate language, emojis, and gifs as these will be visible to all server members.
More tips and troubleshooting
For more information on how to use text and voice channels, click here.
For more information on watching a screen-share stream, click here.
If you are having issues with your platform, please see the links below depending on which platform you are using: